TYLAR is now 6!

TYLAR is now 6!
Waiting patiently for party guests to arrive :)

Hair and Make-Up day at Whitney and Company hair salon in Tennessee

Hair and Make-Up day at Whitney and Company hair salon in Tennessee
Kaden still had a shiner from the baseball incident and Tylar had her make-up done for dance recital.. This picture says a lot about their personalities

The New Place

The New Place
Tupelo Court... Oh how I love thee!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The end of 2010

Oh man - I don't know where to start.... It was one of the most eventful yet reflective years ever for us. We have been blessed this last year in too many ways to mention. One of our most treasured blessings came when we looked back on all of the pictures... We seen some amazing places and got to share some of them with family and others we were able to do just within our little gang. We have met few people at this point and that has presented a challenge as well as allowed those nudging feelings of absence to surface. It has not be easy to be separated from those we truly miss back in Idaho. I started a job at the County Courthouse and have at least been able to get out that way and socialize but it is a small town and if you know me, you know how I feel about that. In addition to all of the changes we are starting to become acquainted with, we were blessed again at the end of December with renting of the house. FEEEWWWW! What a relief that was, and also another testament to us that we must be living right although there is plenty of room for improvement.
Are we able to say that we are ready to make Tennessee our permanent home? Well, the answer is yes and let's just say, I will be happy when we find an area we want to call home. It will be even more rewarding when we can find another place to call our own and get ourselves in a bigger ward. I am missing our ward members back home for many reasons. I miss Visiting Teaching, being engaged in Relief Society activities and fellow shipping. There is a huge problem out here and things are not functioning as they should which has made our comfort and confidence levels decrease. Knowing that, I do not blame anyone for those absences, however, we need to feel like we are progressing and we need the support of willing ward members.... nothing is going to be as good as Creighton Way. Not out here, but I want to find something close to it and functioning.
There have been several families that have extended warm invitations to us and shown us support. They are also the families that are relyed on over and over again because they are the backbone for our ward and theirs. We are always grateful to spend time with The Weyerman's. They live about an hour from us so our get togethers are limited. Our kids wear them out, with all the activities on the farm to chasing the dogs around the pond. It's our get away spot at times. The Cardahl's invited us to their home Christmas evening for dinner.... That was appreciated more than my friend Kimberly will ever know. They have 4 beautiful daughters who are exceptional examples to Tylar and too Kaden I suppose. :) They have a daughter that is in Kaden's class but this age is still the awkward boys stink and girls have cooties stage, thank the heavens. Rachel, the oldest, sits for us on occassion, she is a gem. On the flip side to that, The Clark's, whom are equally as stupendous, have 3 boys and a daughter. Mommy Jen has been my sounding board and has offered lots of extra suggestions in dealing with the schools and situations affecting the ward. These families have been our life lines and if it wasn't for them, the holidays could have been a much harder.
Thanks to those who sent cards... I was so pleased to get them and more importantly, it was the fact that people remembered us!!! Much love to everyone.... We miss you all. We really are very well and see 2011 only getting better.