TYLAR is now 6!

TYLAR is now 6!
Waiting patiently for party guests to arrive :)

Hair and Make-Up day at Whitney and Company hair salon in Tennessee

Hair and Make-Up day at Whitney and Company hair salon in Tennessee
Kaden still had a shiner from the baseball incident and Tylar had her make-up done for dance recital.. This picture says a lot about their personalities

The New Place

The New Place
Tupelo Court... Oh how I love thee!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Birthday Girl

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And like a flash!.....

It doesn't seem real that we are living in South Carolina now.... The transition here, thus far, has gone smoother and proven to be a whole lot easier. I don't know if it is because the kids were aware and knew within themselves what they needed to do or if it really is the atmosphere. Well, and we didn't have to travel such a great distance. It has been a dream. We live in a stupendous neighborhood and the ward is very friendly and inviting. We have been welcomed with open arms, warmth and love. In the almost 4 weeks we have been in Aiken, I feel like the friends I have made have always been my friends. The conversations are easy and they all have attributes I admire...Much like the ladies I left behind in Tennessee / Idaho. With each move, it becomes harder and harder to say goodbye to my dear friends and with each occurrence, I find myself desperately wanting to package them all up and take them with me. I truly wish that it was that simple, as simple as putting a trinket in your pocket. We are very blessed and I will never neglect to acknowledge the hand of The Lord in our successes and safe passage. We are grateful for every person whom has come into our lives, they each hold special places in our hearts. I know the kids also struggle with being up-rooted and asked to begin again... It is a lot, we expect a lot and recognize the impacts it may or may not be having on them. They have done brilliantly, still amazing us every day with their motivation and willingness. It is our desire to give them some sense or normalcy once this adventure in Aiken, SC is concluded. We are hopeful that we will be in a position to return to a place we love, buy a home and settle in for the next 10 years so Kaden and Tylar will be able to finish school with peers they know well. The weather here is warmer than Tennessee. Brandon would often break into a sweat just stepping outside. I have noticed lately that he doesn't do that as often, I think that he is becoming accustom! Wouldn't that be great for me as I love it here and would like nothing better then to stay in the South! I love the mild winters, I also enjoy the humidity and could bask as a lizard in it for hours. We have not been effected by any terrible rages of mother nature, luckily!! - - - Knock on wood! However, I am sure that if we do settle in the south we will probably inevitably have to witness what we could pray would only be small acts of nature. The benefits thus far out way the negative... in my book. I don't know how else to better explain where we are and the area. It always seems like it is green and lush even during the winter. It gets bone penetrating cold here for two months and then come March, the 60 and 70 degree weather returns - It creates a perma grin kind of effect :) - We can't wait to hit the beach -- It's been busy with school back in session and all the duties associated with being new. We miss everyone we love and care for, we hope to once again see you and catch up as though a day hasn't gone by. Thank You for all of the support, words of encouragement, thoughts and prayers. The prayers are felt! Come visit us in South Carolina!! Oh, and for anyone curious... Water bugs or palmetto bugs, as the southerners call them - are COCKROACHES! Don't let them tell you differently! LOL

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

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WELCOME to JA BIZ TOWN!! --- I was taken back by this place!
I was able to volunteer on Kaden's end of the year field trip. It was inspiring and I found my self wishing that every state had something like this to offer. JA Biz town is owned by a wealthy business owner who lives in Clinton. Schools from all around travel to this facility to provide their students a small taste of reality. The teachers spend weeks preparing the students for the experience. Economics, Math, Social Studies are just a few subjects used to teach the students how to run a town. The children elected their own town representatives. Mayor, city officials, business owners, postal service workers, financial representatives and supply and delivery, to name a few. They ran this place brilliantly! I was amazed by the team work and informed decisions they made. For an entire day, this place was a bustle with children who looked and acted as though this was their town. They are given jobs, they get paid and they go to the bank to cash their checks. They write checks out to the businesses to buy food and goods, they balance their check books and just like adults, return to their jobs to do it all again....
Each business elects CEO's and CFO's. At the beginning of the day, they go to the Investment Group and take out loans to operate. It is then their job to go back to their place of operation and formulate a plan with their peers on how to repay the debt. There are goods in each place and they set the prices, sell them to the community and do ALL the checks and balances!....AND!!!! Get this, on actual computers with a special JA Biz Town program!!! When the day was coming to a close, the children whom were elected, reviewed their paperwork, completed their data input, collected their funds and made deposits at the bank.
The day was invaluable... It was exciting. I can not say enough good things about this program and am very grateful that Kaden was able to participate..... Had life not worked out the way that it did at the time, I wouldn't have been able to share in this experience with my son. ~Everything happens for a reason~
Kaden and Mom at JA Biz Town - Field Trip for 5th grade in Clinton, Tennessee

It is hard to believe that school is already out! We survived our first year, in a new place, in a whole new world it seems and the trials that came with those new beginnings. Kaden worked hard! He ended the year with A's and B's which we couldn't be prouder, considering just how difficult it was. He was also recognized in his academics as a Math Scholar.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

We have been busy.... Baseball, school programs, and dancing. With the kids getting older, the demands are increasing. It is wonderful, and it is even more important that dad gets to be here this often to experience them with us.

We live within 3 hours of 3 different temples. Yes, it is nice to be in the middle. We truly feel blessed, to see the places we have, experience the serenity of those places, and take our children across the country to have the chance to do all this amazing stuff. We have met people who will remain friends for many years to come and one of those families, The Grobergs. Curtis and Chenny met while Curtis was serving the Lord. Curtis moved his family from Georgia to Tennessee on a whim, to start fresh and do something new. They live in Kingston and are in Brandon's managers ward. Curt was seeking employment and was hired to work with Brandon's unit. Brandon and Curt travel together and we have spent time hanging as families. We were excited to accept their invitation the Atalanta Temple. Brandon and I commented on how similar this remodel looks and feels just like the Logan Temple in which we were sealed. The grounds also included newly built housing for the workers... From the outside, they looked elaborate with the newest materials and architecture. It was a warm peaceful day... You wouldn't think that with the grey clouds in the background but that is the South.

The Atlanta Temple open house with The Groberg Family! We traveled to Atlanta, GA with our friends Easter weekend. The very last open house, LUCKY!

I don't even know what to say. I am disappointed.... The blog got the best of me and I found out I haven't been doing it right! I am sitting here trying to get the motivation to fix it, so, for now, all will just have to be content with a few pictures. What a mess...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The end of 2010

Oh man - I don't know where to start.... It was one of the most eventful yet reflective years ever for us. We have been blessed this last year in too many ways to mention. One of our most treasured blessings came when we looked back on all of the pictures... We seen some amazing places and got to share some of them with family and others we were able to do just within our little gang. We have met few people at this point and that has presented a challenge as well as allowed those nudging feelings of absence to surface. It has not be easy to be separated from those we truly miss back in Idaho. I started a job at the County Courthouse and have at least been able to get out that way and socialize but it is a small town and if you know me, you know how I feel about that. In addition to all of the changes we are starting to become acquainted with, we were blessed again at the end of December with renting of the house. FEEEWWWW! What a relief that was, and also another testament to us that we must be living right although there is plenty of room for improvement.
Are we able to say that we are ready to make Tennessee our permanent home? Well, the answer is yes and let's just say, I will be happy when we find an area we want to call home. It will be even more rewarding when we can find another place to call our own and get ourselves in a bigger ward. I am missing our ward members back home for many reasons. I miss Visiting Teaching, being engaged in Relief Society activities and fellow shipping. There is a huge problem out here and things are not functioning as they should which has made our comfort and confidence levels decrease. Knowing that, I do not blame anyone for those absences, however, we need to feel like we are progressing and we need the support of willing ward members.... nothing is going to be as good as Creighton Way. Not out here, but I want to find something close to it and functioning.
There have been several families that have extended warm invitations to us and shown us support. They are also the families that are relyed on over and over again because they are the backbone for our ward and theirs. We are always grateful to spend time with The Weyerman's. They live about an hour from us so our get togethers are limited. Our kids wear them out, with all the activities on the farm to chasing the dogs around the pond. It's our get away spot at times. The Cardahl's invited us to their home Christmas evening for dinner.... That was appreciated more than my friend Kimberly will ever know. They have 4 beautiful daughters who are exceptional examples to Tylar and too Kaden I suppose. :) They have a daughter that is in Kaden's class but this age is still the awkward boys stink and girls have cooties stage, thank the heavens. Rachel, the oldest, sits for us on occassion, she is a gem. On the flip side to that, The Clark's, whom are equally as stupendous, have 3 boys and a daughter. Mommy Jen has been my sounding board and has offered lots of extra suggestions in dealing with the schools and situations affecting the ward. These families have been our life lines and if it wasn't for them, the holidays could have been a much harder.
Thanks to those who sent cards... I was so pleased to get them and more importantly, it was the fact that people remembered us!!! Much love to everyone.... We miss you all. We really are very well and see 2011 only getting better.