TYLAR is now 6!

TYLAR is now 6!
Waiting patiently for party guests to arrive :)

Hair and Make-Up day at Whitney and Company hair salon in Tennessee

Hair and Make-Up day at Whitney and Company hair salon in Tennessee
Kaden still had a shiner from the baseball incident and Tylar had her make-up done for dance recital.. This picture says a lot about their personalities

The New Place

The New Place
Tupelo Court... Oh how I love thee!

Monday, November 1, 2010

This summer has zoomed right past and fall is following suit. It is beautiful here in Tennessee and we are thrilled about the warmer weather. We have been told that March will bring 70's and it will be spring like mid month. WOW! I can't wait to get out and plant some flowers. In the mean time, I have attached some pics of the new house and a few odds and ends. It's hard to imagine Thanksgiving in just 3 short weeks... Christmas in 7! Life is really going well for us out here, we are truly blessed in so many ways. The neighbors have been amazing and they are very kind hearted people. Even as true as this may be, it doesn't come close to filling a void which has been present for many months. I miss my friends on Crieghton.... This will be our first holiday season away from family and closed friends. I would be lying if I said that I was prepared for that. It is going to be strange, to say the least but I wouldn't trade it for the time we have been blessed to have with Brandon --- We know we have made a good choice. Love to all!